Presentations : Workshop on Fostering Cooperation to Promote the Sustainable Development of Africa’s Deep Seabed Resources

Day 1 – Session I   The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 1994 Agreement

Presentation | Legal regime governing the exploitation of resources and preservation of the marine environment;  Mr Michael Shewchuk, Legal Officer, United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS)

Presentation | The International Seabed Authority: role functions and structure; Dr Marie Bourrel-McKinnon, Senior Policy Officer- Special Assistant to the Secretary-General, ISA

Presentation | The outer limit of the continental shelf in Africa : present situation and prospects;  Dr Edwin Egede, Reader in International Law & International Relations, Cardiff University

Presentation | Content and achievements of UNCLOS and its significance for African States; Prof. Patrick Vrancken, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

Presentation | The mechanism of ‘reserved areas’: overview and practical implications; Prof. Pedro Madureira, Legal and Technical Commission, ISA, Portugal

Day 1 Session II     Increased regional and international cooperation in support of the sustainable development of Africa’s Blue Economy

Presentation | Role of the mining industry to support the development of national Blue Economy : the case of South Africa; Mr Eliah Ralushai, Senior Geologist, Council for Geoscience, South Africa

Day 2 Session III  Prospection, exploration and exploitation on continental shelves and in the Area  

Presentation |  The legal framework for activities in the Area: transitioning from exploration to exploitation;  Mr Christopher Brown, Legal Expert, Consultant

Presentation | Mineral resources of the Area and current status of marine mineral technology; Mr Harald Brekke, Legal and Technical Commission, ISA, Norway

Presentation | Role and responsibilities of sponsoring States;  Mr Yongsheng Cai, Senior Legal Officer, ISA

Presentation |  Contribution of the African Group to the development of ISA’s Mining Code; Mr Mehdi Remaoun, Coordinator of the African Group, Permanent Mission of Algeria to the International Seabed Authority

Presentation | Role of ISA in ensuring the equitable sharing of financial and other economic benefits form DSM;  Mr Michael Lodge, Secretary-General, ISA

Presentation |  Independent operation of the Enterprise : perspectives and challenges;  Dr Edwin Egede, Reader in International Law & International Relations, Cardiff University

Day 2 Session IV    Environmental Management of deep-seabed mineral resources  

Presentation |  Effective protection of the marine environment from activities in the Area;  Ms Lowri Griffiths, Head of the Maritime Policy Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Presentation |  Environmental obligations in DSM context: perspective of a contractor. Dr.Samantha Smith, Head of Sustainability & External Relations, GSR

Day 2 Session V    Management and dissemination of geological, mineral and environmental information

Presentation |  Geological, mineral and environmental data as a critical tool to inform decision-making processes, investments and governance of mineral activities in the Area;  Prof. Théophile Ndougsa Mbarga, Legal and Technical Commission, ISA, Cameroon

Presentation |  Available data and role of ISA in sharing environmental information;  Prof. Pedro Madureira, Legal and Technical Commission, ISA, Portugal

Day 3 Session VI    Enabling conditions for capacity-building opportunities for African States

Presentation |  The contribution of ISA in building the capacity of African States; Mr. Chapi Mwango, Chief, Contract Management Unit, ISA

Presentation |  Perspective of an ISA trainee; Ms Safiyya Sedick, Taxonomist, Anchor Environmental Consultants, South Africa