1. Call for submission of nomination of experts to participate in the workshop (action required by 13 March 2020), and
  2. Call for submission of relevant information that can contribute to the workshop objectives (action required by 15 April 2020)

The International Seabed Authority (ISA), in collaboration with the Atlantic Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) Project (funded by European Union), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia), will convene the Workshop on Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP) for the Area of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a focus on PMS deposits, in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation from 15 to 19 June, 2020.  

The workshop aims to: (i) describe the geographical scope and environmental goals and objectives for the draft REMP, (ii) identify possible elements to be included in the draft REMP for the Area of northern MAR with a focus on PMS deposits,(iii)identify potential management approaches and measures, with a focus on PMS deposits, that can be considered in the development of an REMP, including spatial and non-spatial measures as well as approaches for addressing cumulative impacts at the regional level, and (vi) discuss the framework for implementation, including priority actions for addressing the knowledge gaps, monitoring and review of the implementation of the REMP, collaboration and capacity building.

The report of this workshop will be presented to the Legal and Technical Commission in its future meeting for their consideration in developing the REMP for the Area of northern MAR. This workshop builds on the results of previous REMP workshops, in particularly the Évora workshop, which reviewed and synthesized scientific data and information, and identified key scientific approaches that underline the REMP for the Area of northern MAR.

A copy of the Évora workshop report can be accessed here.

I. Submission of nomination of experts to participate in the workshop

Members of ISA, in particular sponsoring States, as well as contractors and relevant international and regional organizations, projects/programs and initiatives, and relevant academic institutions/scientific groups, are invited to nominate experts to participate in this workshop. A description of the workshop background, objectives and expected outputs is available in the attached workshop Terms of Reference for ease of reference.

Nomination of experts should be prepared recognizing the multi-disciplinary nature of the workshop and the participants will be expected to contribute to discussions on key elements and management measures of the REMP, within the context of the legal and policy framework of the ISA, and drawing on scientific inputs of the Evora workshop. For further details on the development of an REMP, please refer the Guidance document on REMP prepared by the Secretariat[1].  In light of this, participants should be able to understand and discuss the different aspects of the REMP with a focus on PMS deposits, including the legal and policy implications, underpinning scientific approaches, as well as economic and technological considerations in environmental management of deep-sea activities.

The maximum number of participants will be limited to sixty to enable the workshop participants   to effectively exchange their views and insights and undertake specific tasks in small groups. The selection of nominees by the Secretariat of ISA will be based on relevant expertise and experience, taking into account balanced geographic representation and gender balance.

The selection of nominees will be made on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Good knowledge of and/or experience in implementing the legal, policy and management frameworks for the activities in the Area with a focus on PMS deposits; and

     2. Expertise and experience in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation in mid-ocean ridges as well as PMS resource exploration.

Nominations should include the name and full contact details of nominee/s and should be submitted via an official letter addressed to the Director of Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources of ISA, and signed by the relevant authorities, contractors, organizations/institutions, and programmes/initiatives/scientific groups. All nominations must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae clearly indicating the areas of expertise and experience of the nominee, relating to the above-noted selection criteria. Nominations should be sent as soon as possible, but no later than 13 March, via e-mail to oemmr-secretariat@isa.org.jm.

Limited funding will be available by the organizers to finance the participation of the selected experts eligible for funding, in particular experts from developing States.

The results of selection of the experts will be available on the ISA website in due course. Meeting documents will be also posted on the ISA website in due course.

Submission of information to support the objectives of the workshop

Members of ISA, in particular sponsoring States, as well as contractors and relevant international and regional organizations, projects/programs and initiatives, and relevant academic institutions/scientific groups, are also invited to provide relevant information in support of the objectives of the workshop.

In terms of information, particular needs have been identified in relation to:

  • status of existing and planned activities in the Area of the northern MAR with a focus on PMS deposits;
  • existing frameworks and measures related to environmental management of the activities in the Area of the northern MAR with a focus on PMS deposits;
  • potential management and technological tools, measures and approaches applicable to the northern MAR with a focus on PMS deposits, including the feasibility of such tools, measures and approaches;
  • other information relevant to the objectives of the workshop.

Submission can be made in the form of peer-reviewed articles, reports/documents, or any other appropriate forms.  

In order to allow the Secretariat to prepare necessary input for the above-mentioned workshop in a timely manner, information should be submitted to the ISA Secretariat as soon as possible, but no later than 15 April 2020, via an email addressed to oemmr-secretariat@isa.org.jm.
For enquiries, please contact:  Wanfei Qiu, Programme Manager (Marine Environment), Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources, International Seabed Authority (wqiu@isa.org.jm).

[1] /files/documents/remp_guidance_.pdf