
ISA’s publications are classified into the following categories:

General: This category includes books, such as The Law of the Sea: Compendium of Basic Documents, Legislative History of the “Enterprise,” and other publications that are intended to add to the published literature on a particular topic. The audience for these publications tends to be a broad audience of legal, policy and scientific experts, as well as libraries.

Technical studies: This series includes scientific studies, papers and manuals related to the work of ISA aimed at facilitating the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for its various actors. The series is targeted mainly at legal or scientific experts;

Studies and reports: This category includes ISA’s project documents, manuals and publications in various formats. These publications are targeted at a wider audience of stakeholders with interest in the work of ISA.

Workshop reports: These reports include the proceedings of workshops organized by ISA alone or in partnership with other organizations or institutions.

Policy briefs: These papers provide a concise summary of an issue related to the work of ISA and the policy options for dealing with it, along with recommendations. They are aimed mainly at government policymakers and other experts.

Discussion papers: These papers are topical and usually relate to matters, concepts or issues of interest or under discussion by organs of ISA in the context of the mandate assigned to it by UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement. The audiences include both experts and practitioners.

Briefing papers and policy briefs

Policy Brief 03/2024

Current status of the reserved areas with the International Seabed Authority.

Policy Brief 02/2024

Advancing women’s empowerment and leadership in Deep-Sea-Related disciplines and research: from commitment to action.

Policy Brief 01/2024

The International Seabed Authority and the Big Ocean States: Charting the future for resilient prosperity.

Policy Brief 01/2023

How to apply for an exploration contract for mineral resources in the area

Policy Brief 02/2022


The environmental compensation fund

Policy Brief 01/2022

Equitable Sharing of Financial and Other Economic Benefits From Deep-Sea Mining

Policy Brief 01/2021

National Capacity Development Priorities Identified by Members of the International Seabed Authority in 2020

Policy Brief 01/2019

Current Status of the Reserved Areas with the International Seabed Authority

Briefing Paper 02/2018

Design of IRZs and PRZs in Deep-sea Mining Contract Areas

Briefing Paper 01/2018

Deep Seabed Mining Liability: Potential Legal Pathways

Briefing Paper 04/2017

Marine Minerals Resources of Africa’s Continental Shelf and Adjacent International Seabed Area

Briefing Paper 03/2017

Contribution of the International Seabed Authority to the UN Ocean Conference

Briefing Paper 02/2017

Dialogue on Practical Utility of EIA Technology (EcoDeep-SIP Workshop II)

Briefing Paper 01/2017

Towards an ISA Environmental Management Strategy for the Area

Briefing Paper 02/2016

Environmental, Legal and Technical Challenges for Deep Sea Mining

Briefing Paper 01/2016

Polymetallic Nodule Resource Classification Workshop

Briefing Paper 04/2015

Mineral Exploitation in the Area. Joint CIL-ISA Workshop

Briefing Paper 03/2015

Submarine Cables and Deep Seabed Activities in the Area.

Briefing Paper 02/2015

Deep Sea Mining: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa

Briefing Paper 01/2015

Taxonomic Standardization Workshop: Deep Sea Macrofauna of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone

Briefing Paper 02/14

Taxonomic Standardization Workshop Series 1: Deep Sea Megafauna on the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone

Briefing Paper 01/14

Deep Sea Mining: Environmental, Legal and Technical Challenges for Developing Countries.

Briefing Paper 01/12

A Geological Model of Polymetallic Nodule Deposits in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone.

Briefing Paper 02/12

Prospects for Rate Earth Elements from Marine Minerals [Briefing Paper 02/12]


Status of exploration activities in the Area – July 2024
Status of exploration activities in the Area – Feb 2024
The Sustainable Seabed Knowledge Initiative – 2023
DeepData Brochure
The Sustainable Seabed Knowledge Initiative
The International Seabed Authority
Seabed Technology
Cobalt-Rich Crusts
Polymetallic Sulphides
Polymetallic Nodules
Marine Mineral Resources
Protection of the Seabed Environment

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