World Oceans Day 2020

World Oceans Day takes place on 8 June each year as a global celebration of the ocean, its marine life and all ocean activities. Oceans Day was first declared at the 1992 Global Forum in Rio de Janeiro, with the aim to bring the oceans to the center of global discussions and policy-decision making processes, and to strengthen the voice of ocean and coastal constituencies worldwide. For the UN and its partners, World Oceans Day is a day for scientists, policymakers and citizens to grow closer and interact around the key and emerging challenges our ocean faces today.
The theme for 2020 is ‘“Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean.” To mark this day, ISA will take part in the official UN World Oceans Day 2020 Virtual event. Produced in partnership with the non-profit organization Oceanic Global, UN World Oceans Day 2020 will be a day-long event featuring keynote speeches, panels, and presentations with leading ocean voices. ISA Secretary-General Mr. Michael W. Lodge will feature on the ‘Blue Economy and Private Sector Impact’ session at 13:00. This panel discussion will shed light on how the private sector is engaging communities to develop solutions for a healthy ocean.